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When a gas issue occurs, it can be a cause panic and you should know what steps to take:

1. Turn off all appliances and pilot lights
2. Turn your gas supply off at the gas meter
3. the leak is inside your home, open all windows and doors if possible, for ventilation

4. Call a qualified and licensed gas fitter

If you know that your gas leak is occurring on your property (after the gas meter), be it a section of pipe or an appliance, then you need to call a qualified, licensed gas fitter to fix the problem (that’s us!) 


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This is what happens when the gardener runs the whipper snipper through the gas pipe!

Luckily, this was a quick and easy fix for us!

If the gas leak is occurring before the meter or on the street, you should call:

Gas Leaks and Emergency services on 1800 GAS LEAK (1800427532) Covers north and south eastern Melbourne and Northern and Eastern Victoria

Multinet Gas on 132691 Covers areas of inner and outer East Melbourne, Yarra Ranges and South Gippsland
Please remember that when you have a gas leak anywhere in your property, any person undertaking work involving gas must be appropriately licensed.

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